Monday, October 5, 2015

Marathon Week!

My marathon is just one week away. The next time I post on here I will have ran a full marathon! This has been an awesome experience and I have learned so much. Sometimes when I am running so far I feel like I can't run anymore. Here are a few of the things that I use to keep going!

When you feel like you want to stop running... 

1. Think of your favorite day and play every minute of it in your head. Start from when you wake up, to when you go to bed. 

2. Look at the crowd cheering you on. Reading the signs are the best! 

3. Eat a snack! Eating is always a good thing to do while running a marathon and it can distract you from wanting to quit!

4. Pray. Meditate on a passage of encouraging scripture or just talk to God.

5. Imagine yourself crossing the finish line. Picture how happy you will be when you finish and what you just accomplished! 

I have been looking at the weather for my race next week and it has been changing every day. It went from 70 degrees with 20 percent chance of showers to 80 and sunny. Although I know I cannot change the weather, I would much rather have 70 degree weather than 80 degrees any day! Either way the weather goes I will still be at the starting line at 7:30 about to run my first marathon! 

I hope these tips were helpful to anyone running a race soon! 

Until next time, 


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